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Environmental Policy 2024



Dave Meadows – Managing Director has overall and final responsibility for the Company’s environmental sustainability.  He is responsible for overseeing adherence to this policy and its integration into business.  All staff must recognise that everyone shares responsibility for achieving environmental objectives and strive to do more good than harm to the planet.  You must consider the environmental implications of your acts and/or omissions.  You must take reasonable care of your own environmental responsibilities and that of others.  It is the responsibility of every individual working at Pushed to deliver sustainable solutions, report on best practice and concern and meet our legal regulatory and other obligations.


Creating a high performance team, that operates in a fully inclusive environment, an environment that enables everyone to act courageously, collaborate relentlessly and innovate in the delivery of sustainable solutions, is a business essential.


It is the intention of Pushed Ltd to conduct its business so as to minimise adverse effects on the environment.  Pushed will undertake to assess the impact of its activities and adopt procedures, control measures and business practices, which protect the environment.  We will monitor those standards and commit to continued improvement.  The policy is communicated, reviewed and updated on an annual basis and forms part of our induction process for each new employee.


This policy is operational throughout the business and the key aims are:


Manage the office efficiently, to reduce the consumption of resources; electricity and water, CO2 output and reduce waste.  Ensuring lights and devices are turned off when not in use.


Work with employees to encourage the use of hybrid and electric vehicles and to reduce the vehicle mileage of employees travelling to work and employees travelling on business through hybrid working.  Remote working means less carbon emitted through transport and digital tools like Zoom and Teams make online team work possible.


Committed to offering local employment opportunities.


Identify and optimise the reduction and recycling of waste, ie. mobile phones and other devices, paper, ink cartridges, furniture.  Recycle equipment that is no longer of use to the company.


Investigate buying re-conditioned phones and/or laptops rather than buying new.


Promote a paperless culture – promote digital communication.  Reduce the number of printers available to staff, utilise double sided printing where it is required and support automatic prompts to consider the environment.


Reduce single use products, re-use items wherever possible and encourage the use of items manufactured from recycled materials or sustainable sources.  Conventional cups, dishes and cutlery supplied.


Introduce sustainable thinking into the decision-making process when considering investment, suppliers and purchasing products and services.


Source material responsibly and favour those with a lower environmental impact.


Support small, local and diverse owned businesses.


Continue to contribute to charities and the community organisations.


To help off-set our carbon emissions, we are contributing to and working with the local charity Moor Trees.


In order to deliver this policy we will continue to raise sustainability awareness with our employees.





Date:  1 JANUARY 2024

Print name:  HDC MEADOWS

Position:  Managing Director